


Aghoreshwar Mahaprabhu Baba Bhagwan Ram established Sri Sarveshwari Samooh, a social cultural organization on 21st September 1961. Sri Sarveshwari Samooh is a socio-spiritual institution dedicated to the redemption, progress and welfare of all human beings. The details about the Sarveshwari Samooh have been described as follows:

  • Establishment
  • Definition
  • Ashrams
  • Objectives


As per need of time and period, Parampujya Aghoreshr established Sri Sarveshwari Samooh on September 21, 1961 to rejuvenate humanity by spreading noble thoughts and to carry on welfare activities that would set an example for others to follow. Sri Sarveshwari Samooh is a socio-spiritual institution dedicated to the redemption, progress and welfare of all human beings. The Samooh works towards the spiritual growth of the people and social uplifiment of the poor. The important aspect of the programmes run by the Samooh is that it touches the lives of the far off millions of people who are still untouched by the flourishing India that all know. .


All the inventions of the world have been achieved through intensive thinking that gave birth to new ideas. Ideas, like waves of electricity, spread themselves in the atmosphere and affect human minds with their power. The origin and abode of all noble ideas is One -The Eternal Power (Aadya-Shakti) - whom we shall address as Sarveshwari. The Eternal Power is One that is infinite and pervades even the minutest particles; addressed by names as per one's own perception, realization, philosophy and convenience. The very word Sarveshwari (Sarva - all pervading; Ishwari - Almighty) signifies the feelings of Motherhood, an essential attribute of the Eternal Power that is almighty and creator of the entire universe.

The Samooh is a meeting place for people to get together to solve their day to day problems not just in their personal lives but also in their society and the nation at large. It includes every aspect of human activity - social, religious, economic, political and cultural etc. The virtuous man wants to get rid of the pains of the world and enjoy eternal peace and happiness. He is also eager to carry the rest of the people with him and enable them to share the eternal peace and happiness for which we are all hankering. The Samooh is an organization of those virtuous people, who desire to be of help to the needy in the society and want to serve the poor and down-trodden irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or community


The first Ashram of Sarveshwari Samooh was established by Baba Bhagwan in Varanasi. The Ashram has a free hospital for leprosy patients and a school for little children. Over the years many other Ashrams have been setup in various parts of India, all with the same goal of serving selflessly all those who come to the ashram gates.

In these Ashram's, Baba's discipiles carry on his way of living by their social services and fulfill his hope for becoming real human beings by joining spiritual ideas with social ideas.

Baba Priyadarshi Ram Ji was the most efficient and sincere disciple of Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram. He is carrying forward the social activities as guided by his guru for the welfare of human being and the Aghor Guru Peetha, Banora. The Banora Ashram was setup by him in 1993. The Ashram has a school for the children as well as Eye Clinic. He has also established several new Ashrams e.g. Renukut, ShivriNarayan, Dabara, Aadar, Puri, Jigna, Jaunpur and many more to be built.

The aims and objectives of the samooh are listed here. >>>